San Saba County Historical Museum
Founded in 1965, the museum is an all-volunteer organization operating under the direction of the Board of Trustees. The museum is supported only by donations, grants, and membership dues. Our curator is Aileen Roberts.
Educational tours are available for school groups or other special interest organizations. We have convenient parking near the front entrance and our aisles are wide enough to accommodate visitors with walkers or wheelchairs. Our tour guides are lively, knowledgeable, and ready to help you have a memorable experience.
We are always interested in receiving artifacts that will help us better tell the story of the people who settled and built this area. If you have possible artifacts or questions about artifacts, please contact us. If you need help planning a tour, would like to become a tour guide, or need more information about our facility, please contact us here.
Life on the Frontier
Our museum features a series of exhibits demonstrating the rugged, rural lifestyle San Saba County's early settlers endured and eventually flourished with. Artifacts from homes, schools, churches, and workplaces from the late 1850s through the early 1950s
are carefully displayed in illustrative vignettes, many augmented with original photographs, showing how frontier life evolved throughout the decades and how
San Saba County not only survived but richly grew and prospered.

Farm & Ranch Settlers
In the early days of settlers moving to Texas from the East, the San Saba territory was blessed with an abundance of water from the Colorado and San Saba rivers. Water, large areas of grassland, rich soil, numerous shade trees, and access to cattle drive trails made San Saba a destination for many early ranchers. Communities centered around livestock, mostly cattle, but some sheep. Although pecans eventually became the signature crop of San Saba, in the early days farmers grew cotton, peanuts, watermelons, onions, and a variety of other crops, both for personal consumption and as
a source of income. Today, agriculture is still the predominant industry in San Saba County.
The Honors Room
The Honor Room is a collection of exhibits and artifacts highlighting distinguished, famous, and heroic figures from San Saba County who have made an exceptional
impact on the county, state, or nation in a variety of ways. From artists to teachers, rodeo performers to athletes, politicians to military heroes, the Honor Room is a fascinating area where the rich history of some of San Saba County's most famous citizens comes to life. Sit in a real WWII jeep, see the original desk of a two-term Speaker of the Texas House, and peruse weapons, artifacts, and medals from WWI and II, all while reading the interesting stories of the people who lived it. The wonderful diversity of the stories beautifully illustrates just how exceptional San Saba County is and how these individuals enriched so many lives far beyond the borders of the county.

San Saba County
San Saba is called the "Pecan Capital of the World". Nestled on the northern edge of the beautiful Texas Hill County, San Saba County offers spectacular scenery, abundant wildlife, more miles of running streams than any other Texas County, historical treasures, and friendly people.​
Learn more about other county treasures at: